Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Jesus commands His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples. In that disciple-making process there is a teaching them to observe all that Christ commands. True biblical mission work is not merely evangelism. True biblical missions is evangelism, establishing churches, appointing elders, and ongoing support of those church plants. The goal would be that those very churches repeat that method. We support the great commission through supporting missionaries and mission works that are being started and established. We also believe in going when God opens doors. If you'd like to know more about how you can support missions through GBFC, please click the button below.
COuntries That we currently support Through missionary work

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom by supporting our missionaries in three ways:
Giving prayer support.
Giving encouragement through communication.
Giving financial support.
Giving encouragement through communication.
Giving financial support.