Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

The goal of Awana is to reach kids and families with the gospel through small group discipleship, large group teaching and game time. 

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Cubbies (Ages 4-PreK)

Children will be encouraged to memorize verses, learn about God, Jesus, sin and salvation through crafts, games, awards, and other activities.

Sparks (Grades K-2nd)

Program covers Genesis through Joshua. Children will be able to learn about the people and events of the Bible while growing in their knowledge of God.

T&T (Grades 3rd-6th)

T&T (Truth and Training) is for upper elementary students. The students will discover the truths and engage in the grace of God's Word.

Trek (Grades 7th-8th)

This new program challenges students to wrestle with the most important questions they're asking in middle school. By allowing students to dive deep into the Scriptures and answer these questions for themselves we allow them to own their faith and discover what they believe.

His Story

His Love

This study helps middle school students understand God's story and answers the question, "Who am I?"

This study focuses on Jesus and his ministry, as told through the gospel of Luke and answers the question, "Why am I here?"

If you would like your child to participate in our AWANA program this year, please fill out the registration form below, which will allow you to register your child with us and we can correspond with you regarding available space.

Parents please note we only provide one vest/shirt for the duration of each program (i.e. Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T) therefore please order a size large enough to last for the duration of their current program.

If you have already registered your child and need to pay, you can click the “Pay for Awana” button at the bottom of the page, the cost is $20 per child.

Awana Registration

AWANA clubs will meet each Wednesday night at 6:30-8:00 PM, starting September 4-December 11, 2024 and January 8-May 7, 2025.
No meeting on Thanksgiving week (November 27, 2024) and Spring Break week (March 19, 2025).

The cost is $20 per kid. We will be accepting payment of either online payment, cash, or check on the first club night. If you are not registering online, there is also an online payment option at Need-based scholarships are available for those who cannot afford the per child cost.

Please fill out the below form for each child you will be bringing to AWANA.
Parent/Legal Guardian Information
Name(s) of the child or children you want to register.

Parent Permission, Medical, Media Release
I, on behalf of my child assume all risk of personal injury, damage, and expense as the result of participation in recreational or any other activity of the Awana program at Grace Bible Fellowship Church. Authorization and permission are given to Grace Bible Fellowship Church to furnish any necessary transportation for our child-participant, in the event of any emergency. I, as parent/legal guardians of the child-participant, give our permission for him/her to participate fully in any trip or activity the church provides in conjunction with the Awana program at Grace Bible Fellowship Church. I give my permission to take said participant to a doctor or hospital and authorize medical treatment, including but not in limitation to emergency surgery or medical treatment and assume the responsibility of all medical bills, if any. I understand that we will be contacted if at all possible and that our family physician will be contacted if possible, but in the event that I, or he/she cannot be reached, the minister/trip leader may choose a reputable physician. Should it be necessary for the participant to return home due to medical reasons, disciplinary action, or otherwise, I assume all transportation arrangements. I give my permission to Grace Bible Fellowship Church to use any and all photographs/audio/video that have been taken of my child while in attendance at any Awana event for the website, memory books/videos, print, and promotional use only. Note: Failure to pick up a child for disciplinary reasons, or following the close of the club night, within a reasonable amount of time may result in the child’s dismissal from the program. It is not the responsibility of any member of Grace Bible Fellowship Church to take a child home following the evenings events. Please make an effort to contact us in case there is an emergency preventing you from picking up your child.

When Paying for Your Awana registration, please choose awana for the fund